簡介: 含硫金屬礦山在開采過程中,由于空氣、水、微生物的作用,生成酸性廢水。這些酸性廢水不但pH低、酸度大,而且含有大量的有毒、有害重金屬?,F(xiàn)在普遍采用的是石灰中和法治理,相比其它處理工藝——離子交換、吸附法、生物法、電化學處理技術,石灰中和法工藝簡單、可靠、處理成本低,而且由于石灰中和法長時間的應用,其處理技術逐漸的成熟、完善。本文對金屬礦山酸性廢水形成機理和治理技術進行了討論、分析,對普遍采用的石灰中和法的各處理工藝進行了著重比較、分析。
關鍵字:礦山酸性廢水 形成機理 石灰中和法 處理技術
Analysis of cause of acid drainage and treatment in Metal Mines
Abstract:Acid mine drainage is a natural consequence of mining activity where the excavation of mineral deposits, exposes sulphur containing compounds to oxygen and water. Oxidation reactions take place (often biologically mediated) which affect the sulphur compounds that often accompany mineral seams. Finally, acid mine drainage which metals within accompanying minerals are often incorporated into generates. The discharge of wastewater which comprises acidic, metal-containing mixture into the environment surrounding abandoned mines is likely to cause serious environmental pollution which may be lead to off-site effect. All over the world there has been a long-term programme involving governments, academic and industrial partners which have investigated a range of acid mine drainage treatments. There is still no real consensus on what is the ideal solution. The problem with treatment is that there is no recognized, environmentally and friendly way. The standard treatment has been to treat with lime. There are many technologies, such as Ion Exchange and Other Adsorption Treatments、Biology-Based Treatments、Electrochemical Treatment Technologies, proposed for treatment of metal mine drainage, which are usually expensive and always more complex than liming. Lime treatment is simple and robust, and the benefits and drawbacks of the treatment well known due to long usage. This paper will discuss the mechanism of acid drainage formation in metal mines and the methods with an emphasis on lime treatment which have so far been proposed for its treatment
Key words:AMD;mechanism of formation;Lime treatment;Treatment technologies
金屬礦山礦體酸性廢水的產生主要是開采金屬礦體礦石中含有硫化礦,硫化礦在自然界中分布廣、數(shù)量多,它可以出現(xiàn)于幾乎所有的地質礦體中,尤其是銅、鉛、鋅等金屬礦床[1],這些硫化礦物在空氣、水和微生物作用下,發(fā)生溶浸、氧化、水解等一系列物理化學反應,形成含大量重金屬離子的黃棕色酸性廢水,這些酸性水pH一般為2~4,成份復雜含有多種重金屬, 每升水中離子含量從幾十到幾百毫克;同時廢水產生量大,一些礦山每天酸水排放量為幾千甚至幾萬m3,且水量、水質受開采情況,及不同季節(jié)雨水豐沛情況不同而變化波動較大,這些酸性重金屬廢水的存在對礦區(qū)周圍生態(tài)環(huán)境構成了嚴重的破壞。針對礦山酸性廢水特點的處理技術的研究已有很大發(fā)展,但各處理工藝各有特點

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